Ration Doorstep Delivery Scheme Public Distribution System in Delhi

Ration Doorstep Delivery Scheme Public Distribution System in Delhi

Delhi government will soon come up with Ration at Doorstep Scheme for the people who are in need of food. Under the Public Distribution System the state government will launch this scheme. In this scheme the beneficiaries will get ration at their doorstep. To avail the scheme beneficiaries are required to authenticate their Aadhaar Card with their Ration Card.

Delhi Ration Doorstep Delivery Scheme

Launch Details

According to the state government of Delhi, once the cabinet ministry gives its nod to the scheme, the state will start the scheme within 30 days. On Tuesday, 6th of March 2018, Cabinet has given its nod to the scheme. Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Manish Sisodia has announced about the scheme on Tuesday. It is expected that the scheme will start implementing within a month of time in Delhi.

Key Features

  • Aim: Ration at Doorstep Scheme aims to meet the requirement of the needy people across the state. This scheme will help to reduce fraudulent and theft of products in PDS.
  • Products: Under this scheme only necessary food products will be served. As of now the authority has stated about three main products such as Sugar, Wheat and Rice will be distributed. Later on the state will send more products in this scheme.
  • Beneficiaries: The scheme is for the people who belong to economically weaker section. Beneficiaries who are added under National Food Security Act 2013 are eligible for the scheme. To enjoy the benefits of the scheme, beneficiaries are required to have Aadhaar authenticated Ration Card.
  • Benefits: With this scheme beneficiaries will get packed food grains at doorstep. Neither they have to run from one place to another to pick up foods nor have they to stand in queues for a long to get their food. Also as they will get the packed food, there won’t be any chance of corruption or theft.
  • Benefits for Old people: This scheme will also be helpful for the people who are old, physically unable to move and so on. Through this scheme implementation they can receive their monthly ration at doorstep.
  • Implementation: The state will float tender for the vendors to implement the scheme. Within one month the state government will float the tender. Once the bid is finalised the scheme will be implemented through the third party vendors.
  • Supervision: The authority will keep an eye on the scheme through high-tech online monitoring to get rid of corruption and theft. They will also make sure not to deliver poor quality or lesser amount to the beneficiaries.

The system will be one transparent system that will enable more accurate implementation of public distribution system. There will be third party service provider who will work on behalf of the government in this scheme. To monitor them latest technology will be used. According to the authority this system will be one major step towards the reform of the PDS in Delhi.


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