Rajiv Gandhi Entrepreneurship Scheme Karnataka

Karnataka Rajiv Gandhi Entrepreneurship Scheme

With an aim to boost the IT (Information Technology) sector the local state government of Karnataka state had announced to launch the new scheme termed as Rajiv Gandhi Entrepreneurship Scheme. The new scheme is mainly focused on improving the IT sector such that new innovators and Entrepreneurs will be offered with much better chance to enhance their future. At the same time the government also aims at improving and developing the state of Karnataka in the IT sector.

Launch  details

The new scheme was officially launched by the Information and Technology Minister of the state Priyanka Kharge for the various entrepreneurs at the start up level. The new scheme for implementation was officially launched by the IT Minister on 12th March 2018.

Key features

  • As per the statements by the sources the new scheme is basically focused on creating a team of new entrepreneurs and to promote new innovators to offer with their contributions in the sector for development.
  • The new scheme was officially launched with an aim to help fulfill the dream of IT revolution in the state such that the new IT professionals and graduate students can offer with their innovations and ideas for development in this sector.
  • As per the recommendations collected by sources, the new initiative will encourage the young IT professionals to offer their contributions towards this sector and offer with developmental ideas.
  • The government has announced that it shall provide with fellowship to right candidate for providing with right type of business idea to the government.
  • The new scheme is also focused on generating a team of entrepreneurs to help foster innovations and more career options for candidates in this field. This new initiative will also help the state in developing and moving forward in the IT sector towards positive direction.
  • By implementing the new drive the government aims at brining about positive change within state for technology and at the same time try and create much better job opportunities for young generation.
  • The above mentioned move will help in improving the social and economic status of the state as it will encourage more number of youths to participate in the IT development sector.
  • The new initiative is also implemented for youths of the state who have managed to graduate out of the college in relevant field along with professionals who are already working in various firms in job sector. The government has announced to offer them with a chance to prove their skills in IT field.
  • The new move will prove helpful in making the state more stronger in IT sector such that more number of people get opportunity in this sector. The scheme is basically focused on nurturing innovations and ideas by youth of the state so new start ups can be possible.
  • The government has also stated that under the new program it will offer a chance to the youths and entrepreneurs who otherwise did not get a chance to prove their innovative ideas.
  • The government has stated to offer with a grant of Rs 30000 to each individual entrepreneur with ideas for development. The government will also offer with 30 percent as mentorship  to the youth for providing his idea if successful after implementation.


By implementing above mentioned initiative the state government of Karnataka aims at offering support to new innovations and entrepreneurs in the state. The new initiative will also prove helpful in establishing new entrepreneurs in the IT sector.


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